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Committee formed to look into violations, report to be submitted within 6 months

The Minister of Commerce and Industry and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Authority for Industry, Muhammad Al-Aiban, has formed an investigation committee regarding violations related to the work of the Public Authority for Industry.

The committee will be headed by Counselor Abdul Latif Hussein. Its term of office is six months from the date of its first meeting, and it has the right to request an extension, reports Al-Jarida daily.

— The Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Industry will look into what was revealed to it and what it sees as suggestions and recommendations regarding deficiencies and determining who is responsible for it, if any. Its membership includes Abdul Mohsen Al-Babtain as Vice-Chairman, Abrar Al-Ajeel, Abdul-Rahman Al-Ansari, Badr Buskandar, members, and Saad Al-Houli as Rapporteur.

— The purpose is to investigate any deficiencies that may be revealed to it during the performance of the tasks entrusted to it.

— Listing the incidents that violate laws, regulations, and decisions, and determining who caused them and who is responsible for them, and whether those incidents occurred intentionally or negligently, and the consequent damage to public funds.

— Submitting recommendations related to the legal and administrative measures to be taken against the person responsible for any deficiencies, if any.

The committee meets at the invitation of its chairman or his deputy in his absence, and its meeting is not valid unless attended by the majority of the members, provided that the chairman or his deputy is among them in his absence, and the committee issues its decisions by the majority of the members present, and in the event of equal votes, the side in which the chairman or his deputy in the event of his absence. Minutes of all its meetings are written, in which he mentions all the work it undertakes.

The minutes, the work of the committee, and its recommendation must be attached to the report submitted by it to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Public Authority for Industry.

The committee sets the system it deems appropriate to carry out its work, and in order to accomplish its tasks, it may seek the assistance of whomever it deems experienced and specialized from within or outside the Public Authority for Industry.

The committee may request clarifications it deems necessary from the Public Authority for Industry to complete the work.

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