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Committee affiliated to the Minister’s office investigating suspect employees

Relevant sources revealed that the investigation authorities in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry are considering referring a limited number of employees in the ministry to the prosecution, on the grounds of suspicion of misuse of their jobs to provide illegal facilities to shareholders in companies, which ultimately led to a change in the ownership map of these entities.

The sources indicated that there is a committee formed by the Minister of Commerce and Industry and Minister of Social Affairs and Community Development Fahd Al-Shariaan, which includes university professors and legal professionals from outside the “Commerce”, and with other members from within the Ministry, with the aim of examining allegations revolving around some employees writing incorrect information in the registry data. general for some companies, reports a local Arabic daily.

It indicated that this behavior – if proven – would have contributed to the provision of false data, which contradicts the reality in the official database of the “Trade”, on which all relevant authorities, the Ministry of Justice, banks, and other bodies that have the right to access the website depend. The ministry at the request of the shareholders, which means that one party benefited at the expense of the other.

The sources stated that among the violations that are being investigated for their accuracy, is that the employees accused of recording incorrect information in the official statements of companies, helped with their procedures in influencing the ownership centers of these entities, and in restricting the movement of some shareholders in the general assemblies held later, and then benefiting from that unfairly in favor of parties against others.

The sources indicated that the complaints submitted in this regard prompted the ministry officials to open an extensive investigation to verify the validity of the measures taken, and to take the necessary legal measures in this regard, while ensuring the provision of measures that guarantee avoiding a recurrence of this if the accusations leveled in this regard are true.

The sources said that the legal sector in the ministry has studied the accusations against the complaints submitted, and submitted its report to the committee formed by the minister, explaining that the committee is currently examining the recommendations prepared in this regard, including making a referral to the prosecution for criminal investigation of the file.

However, the sources reported that the final decision in this regard is still under a broader study, given that the committee is awaiting some additional statements to be submitted by the employees accused of fraud to explain their procedures in this regard, in addition to additional data expected to be submitted by other investigative parties, which will increase the odds of safety. Actions taken or confirm their violation of the conditions and instructions specified in this regard.

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