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CMA launches special communications service through Sahel

The Capital Markets Authority, through Sahel application, launched a service for submitting reports against any person about violations and crimes stipulated in Law No. 7 of 2010 regarding the establishment of the Capital Markets Authority and regulating securities activity and its executive regulations and their amendments, according to the regulation contained in Chapter Three of Book Three (Law enforcement) from the executive regulations of the same law and their amendments.

The launch of this service comes as a complement to facilitating the process of submitting complaints and enriching the channels for activating the authority’s supervisory role and dealing with its audience. It includes making it possible to submit reports through an easy application, which includes the facts of crimes and violations that are reported, the time and place of their commission, the source, the persons reported and their description, and any other information or evidence, reports Al-Qabas daily.

It should be noted that the service can be accessed by entering the Sahel application, selecting the list of services, browsing until reaching the Capital Markets Authority, and choosing the communications service to perform the reporting process.

This is the first service launched by the Authority through “Sahel”, and work is underway to gradually launch a package of other services that the Authority provides to the public, such as complaints and grievance services of all kinds, and access request services.

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