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Civil Aviation and MoH to devise health checkup procedures, agree to fix PCR pricing

The Civil Aviation coordinates with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to implement the Cabinet’s decision of charging airlines the cost of PCR examinations of travelers upon arrival in Kuwait and during the quarantine period, Al Anbaa daily reported.

Informed sources confirmed in a statement to the daily that the Civil Aviation Administration, in coordination with the Ministry of Health is planning to establish a health platform on the airport for the completion of health procedures and maintaining the information for all arrival.

The sources stated that the Civil Aviation Administration is also coordinating with the Ministry of Health to agree on a mechanism for providing the health service and fixed pricing for the PCR checks that will be charged to airlines to protect the passengers from exaggerated prices.

The sources also indicated that a plan will be devised to train and streamline the work of medical teams and of private laboratories to conduct the necessary checks inside the terminal.

The sources pointed out that the decision to charge airlines the cost of conducting a PCR examination upon arrival and during the quarantine period will not be implemented until the health platform is established and the prices of the examinations are determined by the Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Health.

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