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City Centre Hosts National Day Event in Dasma

Kuwaiti-owned City Centre Hypermarkets held a family oriented National Day event this past February 25th in Dasma area at the Hassan Abul football field, located adjacent from City Centre Dasma. The event – held to celebrate Kuwait’s National and Liberation Days, featured various family and kids activities as well as competitions and giveaways presented by City Centre.

Amongst the activities was a stunning display from the Kuwait Parrot Club, an initiative put together by Kuwaiti youth, which both impressed and entertained all the event-goers, from young ones to adults, as the parrots flew overhead, perched on visitors arms, and spread colorful joy in the event.

Another feature was the Q8 Owl club, featuring the mysterious yet captivating owls, as well as one of Kuwait’s national birds – the falcon – which the crowd enjoyed interacting and snapping memorable shots with.

The highlight of the event was dually split between the traditional Kuwaiti band – playing tunes and beats synonymous with Kuwaiti heritage and folklore – as well as the various competitions and giveaways presented by TV personality – Abdulaziz Darweesh. There were national dress competitions, spin the wheel challenge, and general trivia related to Kuwaiti heritage as well as City Centre’s history in Kuwait from its establishment in 1999.

The National Day event demonstrated City Centre’s commitment to cater to the community and build strong ties with young Kuwaiti initiatives, as well as celebrating key occasions with its customer base, invited to attend across its 13 stores, with emphasis on it’s Dasma customers, as the celebration was in the heart of their community.

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