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CITRA blocks 2426 fraudulent websites in first six months of 2023

In response to the escalating trend of website violations encompassing content and regulatory standards, sources well-versed with the issue said the Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) has taken action to block a total of 2,426 websites since the beginning of the year.

These sites, according to Al-Rai daily, were found to be non-compliant with laws and regulatory measures. Notably, during the same timeframe, five requests were granted for the removal of these blocks.

Within the framework of vigilant oversight undertaken by CITRA, the authority collaborates with other government institutions and relevant entities to identify websites that warrant blocking. To facilitate this, the authority has enacted regulations that delineate procedures for obstructing prohibited electronic content. This effort aligns with its mandate to formulate internet access policies and protocols.

The sources highlighted that since the start of the year, CITRA received a total of 2,431 website-blocking reports from various sources. Notably, government agencies led the roster of informants during this period, accounting for 1,651 reports, constituting roughly 68 percent of the overall tally.

Private entities followed suit with 688 reports, contributing approximately 28.3 percent, while individual submissions made up the remainder with 92 reports, totaling about 3.8 percent.

The submitted reports to CITRA encapsulated a range of concerns, spanning breaches of local laws, intellectual property and publishing right infringements, instances of malware, electronic phishing, and inappropriate content.

Among the counterfeit websites subjected to blocking were approximately 33 imitating the Ministry of Commerce, 22 posing as Kuwait Post, 14 operating under the guise of the Kuwait Stock Exchange, and three fraudulent websites falsely using the names of the Ministry of Interior and other governmental institutions.

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