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Citizenship may be granted to children of Saudi women, with conditions

A royal decree was issued approving the amendment of the Saudi Nationality Law, which stipulates that Saudi nationality may be granted by a decision of the Minister of Interior to a person born in the Kingdom of a foreign father and a Saudi mother, if the required conditions are met.

As reported by Al-Jarida, Article No. 9 stipulates that the Saudi Arabian nationality may be granted to a foreigner who meets a number of conditions. First, that the applicant has reached the age of majority, and has acquired residency status for a period of not less than 10 consecutive years, be of sound mind and body, be of good conduct, and have not been sentenced by a court to imprisonment for a moral crime for a period exceeding six months. In addition, the applicant should also hold a profession that the country needs, and with the exception of this condition those who were born in the Kingdom to a foreign mother and an unknown father, to prove their earning by legitimate means. The applicant should also be fluent in speaking, reading and writing the Arabic language.

Furthermore, the applicant for naturalization should attach in the application a residence permit and passport, or any document prepared by the competent authorities that list the place of issuance of the passport, and any document related to the nationality from which the applicant is renounced, as well as any required supporting paper to be proven under the provisions of the law.

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