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Citizens and residents over 65 years of age to receive the vaccine without appointments

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, announced yesterday, Tuesday, that all citizens and residents over the age of 65 can go to the vaccination center and receive the vaccine directly without any prior appointment, Al Qabas reported.

He reviewed the health situation locally, pointing out that the average intensive care occupancy reached its peak in recent months, specifically towards the end of last March, followed by a decline, but the cases continue to rise in the second week of April.

Al-Sanad indicated that the average occupancy rate is currently 36.8%, compared to 33.3% a week ago.

He explained that the increase in the average care occupancy rates within a week amounted to 3.5%, pointing out that it is still within the global range.

Concerning the active cases, he said that during March, the index began a state of stability, followed by a slight increase after mid-April, as the active cases receiving treatment exceeded about 15,000 cases.

On the ratio of infection to swabs, he explained that there is relative stability after the second half of last March, and in the past few days there was a slight increase, indicating that the ratio of infections to swabs is still in the high range.

He pointed out that the percentage of non-Kuwaitis in the total number of confirmed daily cases has increased, it now lies between 55 and 60% of the total daily cases.

On the latest developments in the vaccination campaign, he stated that it is continuing and witnessing a great turnout by all segments of society and that during the last period there has been an increased focus on the need to vaccinate male and female educators.

He mentioned that the efforts of the ministry’s mobile field vaccination units resulted in providing the vaccine to a large group of people.

He explained that 41 cooperative societies in all governorates received the vaccine, their number 16,322, including those working in the commercial activities of the associations in addition to 9406 workers in public facilities and services, and 3349 workers in parallel central markets, with a total of 29077.

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