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Change of status quo by use of force in Nagorno-Karabakh cannot bring lasting peace in the region

On 26 May 2021, an article titled “Azerbaijan: First democratic republic of Muslim East” was published in The Times Kuwait, commemorating the anniversary of Republic day.

One would normally assume such articles are about the celebration of a festive day for a country. It did not, however, serve the purpose of the writers. Their main goal, apparently, turned to be attacking Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh with baseless allegations, as well as hidden and unacceptable territorial claims towards Armenia.

We are not going to comment on the obvious falsifications of history in the article, but it is mandatory to present the reader with the true picture and the reality about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, particularly the recent war and its aftermath.

From 27 September to 9 November 2020, Azerbaijan launched a 44-day-long full-scale war of aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh with full support of Turkey and the involvement of foreign terrorist fighters relocated from Syria and elsewhere. For many years, Azerbaijan did not even hide that its strategic goal was to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by force. On the highest official levels, they constantly kept on making statements full of hatred and clear manifestations of genocidal intent against the Armenian people. Moreover, they would cynically claim that “international law does not work in the world today, and international treaties are just a piece of paper, having no value.”

During the 44-day war, Azerbaijan, in clear defiance of their international obligations and commitments and despite three ceasefire agreements brokered by Russia, France and the United States, continued the offensive using prohibited cluster and white phosphorus munitions.

Amnesty International’s crisis response experts identified Israeli-made M095 DPICM cluster munitions, used by the Azerbaijani armed forces. The Cultural Centre of Shushi, as well as several cultural, religious, and numerous civilian infrastructures were reportedly destroyed by Israeli-made LORA long-range quasi-ballistic missiles.

On 9 November 2020, the Prime Minister of Armenia joined the statement of the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan on the cessation of hostilities and the deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces in Nagorno-Karabakh. The document was aimed at establishing a ceasefire and ensuring security.

The above-mentioned article, however, has a totally distorted picture and comments of the points of the statement, which expose the subsequent steps of Azerbaijan in blatant violation of the provisions of the trilateral statement.

Despite the fact that article 9 of the trilateral statement clearly stipulates that all prisoners of war should have been released immediately after the cessation of hostilities and despite numerous calls from the international community, Azerbaijan continues to use Armenian prisoners of war as a tool against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Moreover, Azerbaijan initiated against them fabricated criminal cases thereby openly violating both the norms of international humanitarian law and its obligations under the trilateral statement of 9 November 2020.

Furthermore, the armed forces of Azerbaijan have violated the state border of the Republic of Armenia in the Syunik province on 12 May 2021 under the pretext of “demarcation and delimitation”, thus infiltrating into the sovereign territory of Armenia up to 3.5 kilometres. Similar incursions took place into the Gegharkunik province of Armenia.

To this date, the Azerbaijani troops continue their illegal presence in the Syunik and Gegharkunik provinces of the Republic of Armenia in violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia. This encroachment of the Azerbaijani armed forces into the sovereign territory of Armenia, in flagrant violation of international law, poses a serious threat to security and stability in the region and beyond. The Armenian Government is trying to resolve the situation peacefully to avoid further escalation and casualties. However, the restraint of the Armenian side should not be seen as a sign of tolerance towards attempts to seize its sovereign territory. The Azerbaijani troops must unconditionally withdraw from the territory of Armenia to their initial positions.

Any action, with the use or threat of force cannot lead to sustainable peace and security. The current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is the result of a flagrant violation by Azerbaijan of several core principles of International law, namely, refraining from the threat or use of force, peaceful settlement of disputes, equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Being refused of their basic rights to equality, dignity, self-determination and peaceful life in their homeland, the people of Nagorno-Karabakh are subjected to similar sufferings as the people of Palestine. It is therefore lawful for both peoples to count on the support of international community in ending this oppression.

There should be no illusion that the results of the use of force, accompanied by war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law, can ever become the basis for a lasting and sustainable peace in any region. Durable and sustainable peace can only be achieved through a comprehensive settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which must include defining the status of Nagorno-Karabakh based on the realization of the inalienable right of its people to self-determination; ensuring the safe and dignified return of the displaced population to their homes; and preservation of the region’s cultural and religious heritage.

Embassy of the Republic of Armenia

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