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Challenges hamper development plan

A report issued by the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development shows the plan for the country’s development projects for 2021-2022 has faced 654 challenges, 74% have been overcome, 26% of these challenges continue to persist.

Al-Qabas quoting the secretariat report indicated, the first quarter faced most administrative challenges approximately 40% of the total challenges, including what can be termed as the slow documentary cycle of contractual procedures, the delay in licensing procedures, and the required approvals., the multiplicity of institutions granting the required licenses and approvals, the delay in issuing work visas, approval from the Kuwait Municipality and the delay in delivering power or water to the projects.

The report pointed out the technical challenges ranked second with 30.7%, including site obstacles, project disruption due to contractor delays, re-tendering, site modification, and other challenges.

The challenges of the supervisory authorities represented 13.1%, but they were the highest in the percentage of obtaining solutions at 92%.

According to the report, financial challenges constituted 12.7%, in the form of insufficient budget, delayed approval of the budget increase, and other challenges, while legislative challenges constituted only 4.1%.

The report recommended the need to develop radical solutions to the challenges facing the projects mentioned in the plan, as there are projects that suffer from significant delays in terms of schedules, despite the fact that the entity has not recorded any obstacles facing these projects.

The report revealed that solutions were found for 74% of the challenges, including overcoming 72% of the administrative challenges that faced the development plan projects, while 67% of the technical challenges were overcome.

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