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Challenges for the expected government: 600 vacant leadership positions

On the morning of the issuance of the Emiri order appointing His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah as Prime Minister, and assigning him to form the new government, the countdown has begun towards the imminent resolution of many frozen files due to the resignation of the previous government.

According to sources, there are about 15 government agencies that operate without leaders, and there are more than 600 vacant positions in many government agencies. Based on the data it has become clear that there is a state of stagnation in the performance of business because of these vacancies of many leadership positions for a period of more than 5 months in some agencies which has in turn reflected the slow and stagnated performance of those agencies in the conduct of work.

While awaiting the formation of the government No. 43 in the history of Kuwait, files have waited and floated around for urgent solutions to keep pace with the technological development the world is witnessing. On top of which is the digital transformation file, and work to convert transactions in all government agencies into digital modes in order to eliminate length, the documentary cycle and its speed.

The file on entertainment and tourism in the country stands next and receives great attention from citizens and residents. It has also received a great deal of government attention in recent times, due to the limited places for tourism and entertainment in the country.

The entertainment file in Kuwait has become in need of a quantum leap in line with entertainment and tourism capabilities of neighboring countries, through the establishment of ambitious projects, and the introduction of attractive activities that the people aspire to.

Popular circles are also anticipating the new government to meet many of the needs that citizens seek, in terms of the effects on their daily lives, including the road reform file that troubles all street users in the country.

The problem of road repair is no less important than other major problems, as this phenomenon is now disturbing the citizens, hence this requires a firm and strict decision against any company working to repair roads fails to fix what they were contracted for.

Another important aspect that needs immediate attention is the importance of the private sector, implementing and developing vital projects that raise the efficiency of services needed by citizens. The role of the private sector in the country is still absent from projects to reform and develop public services, and it is a file that needs attention from the expected government, to give an opportunity to the private sector to participate in advancing the development of the country.

While the previous government succeeded in the file of combating drugs, besieging its dealers, and drying up the sources of smuggling into the country, the next government is expected to take additional and similar steps in other files to strike corruption especially regarding the file of money laundering and assault on public money, holding the perpetrators accountable and recovering the money that was plundered from the country.

Below is a list of other important files that is waiting for the prospective government to resolve and take over:

01 Continue the war on drugs.

02 Develop solutions to close the bidoon file.

03 Kuwaitization of the judiciary by 100%.

04 Work to adjust the demographics.

05 Develop the educational and health levels.

06 Amend audio-visual laws.

07 Cooperation with the Audit Bureau.

08 Supporting youth initiatives and projects.

09 Offering jobs and investment opportunities.

10 Improving the standard of living of the citizens.

11 Developing the role of some government agencies.

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