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‘Center of Excellence’ title bestowed on Dasman Diabetes Institute

Dr. Qais Al-Duwairi, Director General of the Dasman Diabetes Institute, announced that the International Diabetes Federation — an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in more than 160 countries and territories — recently approved the Dasman Diabetes Institute as a ‘center of excellence’ for diabetes, for its distinguished role in the field of research and medical care it provides, in addition to the institute’s cooperation and efforts represented in optimal care, patient awareness and comprehensive care in The field of diabetes and its various complications.

Dr Al-Duwairi added this accreditation achieved by the institute will contribute to strengthening the role of the institute at the regional and international levels, as the institute will be part of an international cooperative network to coordinate and prepare for more efforts in the field of diabetes awareness and enabling patients to control their diabetes, reports a local Arabic daily.

This accreditation is an added feather in the cap of the institute’s other achievements, such as the accreditation obtained by the institute’s laboratory by the College of American Pathology, and the Canadian Accreditation Commission at the diamond level, in addition to the fact that Dasman Diabetes Institute is the only center in the region licensed to hold the Daphne Program. The institute also has a training center ‘Medical Skills’ accredited by the American Heart Association offers many accredited medical courses.

Dr Al-Duwairi added the Dasman Diabetes Institute, which was established by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, offers many distinguished educational courses for different age groups of people with diabetes as well as many specialized programs.

He went on to say, the Dasman Diabetes Institute constantly holds advanced training programs to train nutritionists, nurses, podiatrists, educators and other professionals working in all hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health, in order to meet the needs of the Ministry of Health, and that the institute is fully prepared to provide everything that contributes to improving the standards and quality of patient care.

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