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CEE Network Culinary Art hold graduation for 12th batch of students on Baking Course

By- Ricky Laxa/ Staff Writer

The CEE Network Culinary Arts Lifestyle Courses, a popular training school for baking and international cuisines, held its graduation Friday morning for its 12th batch of students completed the Introduction to Baking Course. Present were the Project Manager, Masterchef and trainers to award the certificate.

“With grateful heart I thank all trainers for this opportunity to learn a new skill for personal development and possibly opening my own bakery business in the future. This is second course and I’m already enrolled to complete my three courses on breads, cakes and pastries” stated Jean Musngi, a student of the school.

Musngi added that taking the first course was not easy as she was not very familiar with some procedures and ingredients but she managed to produce every week good products. “The Introduction to Baking course is a new experience although I do bake at times but being in the class and mentored by trainers personally gave me confidence and enhanced my creativity to further create better results, I guess practice do make things perfect” added Musngi.

Among the students who completed the course is a 12 year old Indian girl whose passion for baking is admirable. Nivedha Khartik at young age displayed her passion for baking not only popular delicacies but favorite pastries as well. “She has social media pages and she posts on line what she accomplished for the day. We as parents would like to give her all the support with hopes that one day she becomes a successful chef with her own brand” added mother of Nivedha. Khartik currently promotes a badge that carries proudly her initials. Another young and aspiring chef is a 15 years old Indian Mexican girl Issah Ross, “I look forward to my classes every Friday as I know I’ll be able to take home another one of my creations. The class teaches me to cultivate my creativity and talent and I would like to push further this newly acquired skills” stated Ross.

Some of the students enrolled in the classes are already accomplished chefs and run their own kitchens but opted to learn new skills by enrolling in the school. Such is the case with Chef Renier Geli whose education expenses is sponsored by his employer. “I am thankful that my employer agreed to spend for these classes and I intend to finish them. Although some of the techniques have been taught to me by my mentors in my work earlier but being in a school somewhat feels different. I got my very first certificate and I feel accomplished and could proudly say I made it to through my first course. I am already enrolled in the Advanced Baking Course to commence this coming Friday” stated Geli.

Several of its graduates have successfully opened their bakeries and home deliveries in their own countries, while others are actively engaged in on line orders in Kuwait.

CEE Network Culinary Arts Lifestyle Courses have rendered its services to 496 graduates that include different nationals, members of the diplomatic community, officials, staffs, nurses and doctors, 25 accomplished bakers and chefs and currently led by 5 Masterchefs with 12 trainers who mentor students during the classes. For more information, you may call: 99138775 and check its FB page: @ceeculinaryarts.
Currently classes are held every Friday at the Food Academy in Saveco, Al Rai beside the Friday Market.

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