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Cassation Court hands life imprisonment to mother for killing daughter

The Court of Cassation has upheld the verdict of the Court of Appeal and sentenced a Kuwait woman to life imprisonment for killing her daughter and leaving her corpse in the bathroom of the apartment in Salmiya for 5 years until it decomposed.

The Public Prosecutor, Anwar Al-Azmi, had earlier demanded for the maximum penalty to be imposed against the accused, reports Al-Rai daily.

The lower court found the accused guilty of three charges — intentional neglect of her daughter’s care, unlawful detention, and desecration of the deceased.

The accused had vehemently denied these allegations. She recounted the moment she discovered her victim’s lifeless body lying on the floor, her hands cold, and her complexion pale. She was acutely aware of her daughter’s passing away, yet fear compelled her to withhold this tragic truth from everyone, including her own children.

In one trial session, the judge inquired if any of her sons were present. One of them stood up during the proceedings and testified that his mother consistently informed him about his sister’s confinement within a room at their residence.

She had prevented her from leaving the room. One day, he mustered courage to confront his mother, threatening to move out and live alone with his sister.

In response, his mother revealed the devastating truth that his sister was dead, and her corpse is in the house. Horrified, he promptly notified the authorities.

The core of the incident revolves around a citizen in his twenties who filed a complaint with the Salmiya Police Station. In his report, he alleged he had a dispute with his mother over her role in his sister’s death in 2016. Furthermore, he asserted that his mother had preserved his sister’s body in the bathroom of their Salmiya apartment.

Law enforcement officers conducted a search of the apartment and discovered the remains of a decomposed body inside the bathroom.

Subsequently, the complainant’s mother and brother were apprehended. Expert forensic teams were summoned to retrieve the remains and referred them to the Forensic Medicine Department to determine the cause and time of death.

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