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Canceling safety lanes puts at risk lives of MEW Lighting Department workers

The decision to abolish the safety lane on highways and add it to the rest of the lanes permitted to be used by motorists has confused the work of the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy in the maintenance of electricity poles on those roads.

Al-Rai quoting informed sources in the Ministry indicated that the Street Lighting Department has been suffering greatly during its maintenance of lighting poles, after allowing motorists to use the safety lane on highways.

The sources said that “before the issuance of this decision, maintenance work for highway lighting was carried out easily, but after the implementation of the decision, “we must first coordinate with the Ministry of Interior and set a date for maintenance of these light poles to secure the site of the maintenance work to avoid any traffic accidents.”

The Ministry of Electricity sometimes needs to carry out urgent maintenance during weekends and official holidays, which makes it wait until the start of the resumption of working hours in the Ministry of Interior to coordinate these emergency works.

On the other hand, the Central Agency for Public Tenders agreed to award a tender for maintenance and repair of medium voltage 11 kV cables, command cables and related civil works in Sabah Al-Ahmad and Al-Khair City to the lowest bidder which had quoted 1.6 million dinars.

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