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CAN launches 4 training courses for the nursing staff of Health Ministry

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cancer Awareness National (CAN) Campaign Dr. Khaled Al-Saleh announced the organization of 4 new training courses for the nursing staff at the Ministry of Health, during the period from May 24 to June 14, in cooperation with the Nursing Services Department at the Ministry of Health.

In a press statement, Al-Saleh stressed the importance of the role played by the nursing staff in providing health services, as they implement and apply the treatments prescribed by doctors, so they are the basis for providing treatment. Therefore, attention must be paid to their health culture in relation to cancerous diseases, reports a local Arabic daily.

Al-Saleh revealed 2,170 male and female nurses were trained until the end of last February, pointing out that these training courses come within the framework of the continuation of the approach of CAN in achieving its goal of raising awareness of cancer, part of which deals with the establishment of specialized courses for nursing staff.

He explained that the campaign uses, in its training program, specialists with experience in this field, pointing out that the “CAN” campaign trains nursing staff on communication skills with patients and their families, especially cancer patients.

He stated that an integrated program has been prepared that will be presented by oncologists to the trainees, which includes a definition of cancer, its stages, its incidence in Kuwait and the world, methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, early detection and cure rate.

Al-Saleh added that the interest in training nursing staff is due to their closeness to the patient and his family, as well as to doctors, as training them on correct information about cancerous diseases and all of the above prepares them to answer any questions in a sound scientific manner.

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