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Calls to prevent government employees from using cell phone while on duty

There are calls via Twitter for taking action against government employees who allegedly waste more time on their cell phones during working hours instead of attending and completing the transactions of visitors.

According to local Arabic daily, legal sources confirmed there is no law obligating the ministry or any entity to prevent its employees from using their personal phones in the workplace.

Reactions rejecting this call relied on their opinion that such a measure is an attack on personal freedom, stressing that there is no law or decision that allows this measure to be taken.

As for the proponents, they called for setting controls so that the use of the mobile phone during the break or when there are no visitors, given that mobile phones have become an integral part of daily life, calling to allow the use of the mobile phone only when necessary, while preventing the use of gaming sites or applications during working hours.

Others stressed that the issue deserves to be raised and discussed, especially since such behavior contributes to a weak focus on business performance, annoyance of the user to his colleagues at work, delaying the completion of work due to excessive use of the mobile phone and affecting the security systems, especially when connecting the smart phone to the ministry devices or any other government agency.

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