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Business Development Company launches first project International Culinary Arts

By Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

Business Development Company, management establishment for events and festivals in Kuwait launched its first project Saturday morning at the Salam Mall in Salmiyah with the Philippine Ambassador to Kuwait His Excellency Mohammad Noordin Pendosina Lomondot and spouse Chef Noor Jarifah Lomondot officiating the ceremonial cutting of ribbon.

In her welcome remarks Chief Executive Officer Olivia Ferrer stated that Culinary Arts courses have been designed to introduce new skills and knowledge to individuals who have the penchant to baking and cooking and ideal for those who intend to start their own bakery and restaurant businesses. Ferrer also extended her thanks to all the masterchefs and trainers who without whom such courses will not be possible. Khalid Suliman Al Shuhaigh, Kuwaiti sponsor to the company stated that he believed that the project will benefit everyone who will attend and avail the courses. Philippine Ambassador expressed his best wishes to the team and assured them of the embassy’s support and assistance.

The ceremonial cutting of the ribbon was officiated by His Excellency Lomondot and Chef Noor Jarifah, a trainer in the same team for two years and mentor to the project and assisted by CEO of Company Ferrer with Kuwait Sponsor Al Shughaih. “These courses have changed so many lives, some have returned home and opened their own individual bakeries and shops while for those who are still are grateful for extra income they receive through orders. I encourage everyone to try their hands on these courses with or without knowledge for that’s how where you start to develop your skills” stated Mrs. Lomondot. Vice Consul Josel Mostajo, Labor Attaché Nasser Mustafa, Assistant Labor Attaché Cathy Duladul and other officers from the Philippine Embassy were present in the occasion.

The event kicked off with Filipino Artist and Performer Jumel Carvajal leading the singing of the Philippine National Anthem followed by the Kuwait anthem. Plaque of Appreciation was presented to the Philippine Ambassador by Masterchef Cris Ricafort and Bouquet of Flowers to Mrs. Lomondot by Chef Trainer Carmelita Farhat. A book recipe book was also launched during the event and presented copies to Philippine Ambassador by Cecilia Alvarez with sponsor Mr. Nabil Awad. Singing of books for attendees immediately followed. Refreshment was catered by a Filipino restaurant Aling Rufina showcased traditional Filipino dishes and favorites. Noted event anchor and Vlogger MJ Nolasco hosted the event.

The team wishes to thank Ms. Michelle Fe Santiago, ABS CBN Senior News Correspondent and Station Manager of Pinoy Arabia for the live coverage of the occasion, Technopinta for the photos and The Times Kuwait for the newspaper coverage and everyone who helped post the event in their own individual social media accounts.

BDC is has also in the pipeline new courses that will include Barista, News Broadcasting, Vlogging and Caregiving in the coming months.

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