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Bill in parliament to amend corruption law

A bill has been tabled in parliament to amend the law that established the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority (NAZAHA), and more specifically the article on the disclosure of assets and liabilities of parliamentarians, which stipulates the immediate suspension of MPs suspected of corruption and prohibiting them from contesting the next parliamentary election until a court verdict is issued.

The proposed amendment, tabled by MP Bader Al-Mulla, states that if a public prosecutor has collected sufficient evidence of the involvement of any MP in a crime stipulated in this law, the prosecution must immediately inform the National Assembly Speaker and the concerned MP while the case is referred to the appropriate court.

The concerned MP is then considered suspended with full pay until a court verdict is issued or the current legislative term ends.

On a related note, the interim government recently referred to the National Assembly a request to lift the parliamentary immunity of MP Ahmed Al-Fadel due to his alleged involvement in the electronic misdemeanor cases number 1340/2019 and 11466/2019 that were filed against him.

The Legal and Legislative Affairs Committee is expected to look into the request and prepare a report on how the Assembly will deal with it.

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