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Beneficiaries must fulfill two conditions for eligibility of benefits, aid

Minister of Social Affairs and Community Development Mubarak Al-Aro has issued a decision to amend the executive regulations of the Public Aid Law, taking into account the recommendation of the Education, Social and Health Committee to provide subsidies to some Kuwaiti families and individuals, who are not entitled for Public Aid Law.

A local Arabic daily said the decision states that the texts of Articles “19 and 43” of the regulation should be amended to suit the situation. Article 19 should read as follows: “The recipient of this aid should be proven by a medical report issued by one of the medical committees from the Ministry of Health to prove the patient is unable to work due to his malady.

Anyone who spontaneously applies for addiction treatment and is subject to and adheres to a day care program or a mid-way program for addiction treatment is considered a patient. The amendment of Article 43 should read as follows: “To be eligible for assistance, it is required to prove that the applicant has resided in Kuwait for a period of no less than 183 days during the calendar year.”

The aid must be stopped if it is proven that the residency condition is violated, and the aid should not be continued until after two months have passed from the date of entering the country. The last decision says the decision to establish the most famous Al-Arouh Association, the Dew Al-Nada Association for Charitable Activities for an unlimited period is to provide students financial support in addition to other assistance to the afflicted, the sick and the needy.

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