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Bedoun workers staged sit-in protest due to delayed, unpaid salaries

A number of Bedoun employees at the Ministry of Endowments staged a sit-in on Thursday morning at the ministry’s headquarters, in protest of the delay and non-payment of their salaries, which range between 150 and 200 dinars per month, according to an Arab daily.

Sources reported that the financial controller affiliated with the Ministry of Finance refused to pay the salaries of about 450 workers in various departments and sectors of the ministry, including 30 imams, muezzins and several administrators.

In addition, the financial controller also refused to pay the salaries of workers on the evening shift, according to the report. The Ministry of Awqaf leaders made efforts to contain the crisis and speed up the disbursement of the salaries of the workers, especially since they attend to their duties daily, and most of them are preachers of the Holy Qur’an in various governorates across the country.

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