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BBMIK launches Biggest Loser Challenge

Ricky Laxa
Staff Writer

Bagong Bayaning Makabayan International Kuwait, a Filipino organization in Kuwait spearheaded and launched its “Biggest Loser” challenge Friday morning at CEE Network Kuwait Studio in Salmiyah. The three hours orientation session achieved initial weigh-in, measurement, sugar and blood pressure tests followed by discussion of the guidelines for the fitness challenge.

BBMIK Chairperson of BBMIK kicked off the event with a quote “Build a fitness routine into your life and watch your self-esteem soar”. The BBMIK, host of Kuwait’s first ever “Biggest Loser” challenge, invites candidates to participate and provides opportunity and chance for them to shed unwanted pounds in a safe and effective manner with the help of our qualified coaches. The challenge will run from 24th of March till 19th of May inclusive of eight weeks weigh and announcement of winners will be on the 2nd of June 2023. Two fitness trainers have been assigned to the participants to design their workout programs and monitor their developments. Coaches Jurlick Balabat Jr. a trainer at Gold’s Gym and Jonjie Palillo, personal trainer and coach delivered brief messages during the launch and provided essential information the importance of being healthy and fit while working abroad and somehow make fitness a daily regimen.

Officers of BBMIK present during the event were Kiko Olpindo III – Chairman, Jenny Rose Carreon – Secretary General, Vanj Duenas- Treasurer/Founder, Ariel Tagbago- Vice Chairman- External Affaisr/ Founder, Dynnes Carreon- Auditor, Kate Zaldivar- President-BBMIK Ahmadi Chapter. The Bikolanos in Kuwait led by its President Jude Roriguez provided the vital medical checks. Participants to the challenge who took the initial tests were Chona Navales, Elena Napoles, Darrel Esclamado, Jude Rodriguez, Adenauer Lintag, Mylene L. Rogon, Nurhima K. Asgani, Percival Suyat, Regino Ongco, Remelyn Q. Dayog, Reno John Ray, Josefina Q. Rodriguez, Ruth Wendy A. Sibuyan, Wendy Servinisio, Wilyn Porras, Sonia Alaba, Aris Villarin and Ariel Tagbago. CEE Network Lifestyle Workshops will provide culinary scholarship to the winners of the competition.

Great prizes await the winners of the challenge. For details on how to register and what information is required, follow the link on facebook:

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