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Batch of 289 Filipinos deported from Kuwait 

The Philippine government announced that a batch of 289 of its citizens arrived in Manila. The flight carrying the deportees landed at Ninoy Aquino International Airport at seven o’clock Tuesday evening.

The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that this was the eighth deportation operation coordinated by Eduardo Jose de Vega, Undersecretary looking after the affairs OFWs.

Most of the violators are believed to be runaway employees, who had abandoned their employers for various reasons. The violators were deported within the framework of a humanitarian amnesty program agreed upon between the two countries.

While CNN-Philippines reported that according to an official statement issued by the Ministry of Migrant Employment in this regard, “most of the deportees are workers who have been on the run from their sponsors for a long time and were arrested by the Kuwaiti authorities during the past month.”

Statistically, the statement indicated that 245 of those Filipinos were detained in the deportation prison before their deportation, and among the other deportees, there are 3 pregnant women, 3 sick cases, and 5 mothers with their children, in addition to various other humanitarian cases.

In its statement, the ministry stated that those deported “will receive psychological, medical and housing care, and work will be reintegrated into society.”

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