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Banks top private sector companies in hiring Kuwaitis

The Kuwaiti banking sector, in addition to the Central Bank of Kuwait, is the most reliable provider of jobs to citizens among the private sector companies, according to data released by official authorities.

Al-Anba says the data shows a total of 36,580 job opportunities were offered to citizens in the private sector and the banking sector accounted for about 46 percent of the offered jobs or 16,650 including 329 jobs in the Central Bank of Kuwait, and about 16,300 provided by 9 commercial banks.

As for the jobs available for those with higher qualifications (university degree) in the banking sector, they constituted about 36% of the total number of job opportunities offered to citizens, with 6,067 opportunities compared to 16,640 jobs, while job opportunities for citizens holding diplomas account for 50% of the total jobs created by banks, about 8,319 jobs.

About 100 jobs were offered to citizens with a high school qualification, in addition to 130 jobs for citizens with a one-year higher secondary qualification. The opportunities offered to citizens with a general secondary qualification accounted for 1,758 job opportunities offered by 5 banks.

In a related context, the telecommunications sector provided more than 2,193 job opportunities for citizens, including 4 for those with a doctorate degree, and provided about 870 job opportunities for those with higher qualifications (university), which constitutes 40% of the total opportunities offered by the sector, 1,140 job opportunities were offered to diploma holders which account for about 52% of the total jobs offered by the sector, while job opportunities for holders of secondary qualifications was 5% of the offered opportunities, amounting to 111 job opportunities.

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