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Average salary of Kuwaiti KD 1490 per month

Statistics issued by the Central Statistics Department show the average monthly wage for Kuwaitis in the labor market “private and public sectors” was 1,490 dinars per month, while the wages of non-Kuwaitis stand at 331 dinars.

The statistics showed that the average wage of Kuwaitis in the public sector was 1,539 dinars, while the average wage of non-Kuwaitis in the public sector was 732 dinars, and in the private sector the average monthly wage for Kuwaitis was 1,252 dinars, and for non-Kuwaitis 311 dinars.

The statistics also shows a wide gap in the average wages between Kuwaiti males and females in the two sectors, while the average wage of Kuwaiti males in the private and public sectors was 1806 dinars, it is higher than the average wage of Kuwaiti women by about 540 dinars, where the average monthly wage for Kuwaiti women in the private and public sectors was 1261 dinars.

This gap extended in calculating the average wages for Kuwaitis in each sector separately. In the public sector, the average wages for Kuwaitis amounted to 1878 dinars, while the average monthly wage for Kuwaiti women in the public sector was 1310 dinars.

In a similar scene, the average monthly wage for Kuwaitis in the private sector was 1529 dinars, while the average monthly wage for Kuwaiti women was 973 dinars.

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