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Authorities crack down on smugglers of subsidized goods

Concerned authorities have been cracking down on the smuggling and trafficking of subsidized commodities. According to Al Qabas, recent raids on random markets in Jleeb, Khaitan, and other areas resulted in the confiscation of large quantities of subsidized commodities and the referral of dozens of suspected thieves to the Public Prosecution. The report also pointed out that the issue of smuggling ration commodities abroad and trading in them has more than one dimension. It involves the illegal transfer of subsidized commodities from those who deserve them to the hands of traffickers, who profit at the expense of public money and the country’s capabilities. The Arabic paper added that the state has allocated these commodities to Kuwaiti families and other deserving groups identified by the concerned authorities.

Penalties have also increased for those who are caught, who will face imprisonment, a fine, and deportation, in case of an expatriate, adding that Kuwaitis are also not allowed to take subsidized goods out of the country.

The Supply Department at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has revealed that the total number of individuals benefiting from the cumulative ration until the first quarter of this year amounted to 2,240,000 people. These individuals are distributed into six eligible categories and own 257,000 ration cards. The figures, according to Al Qabas, estimated that subsidies for food commodities amounted to 52 million dinars in four months, in which last April witnessed an increase of 122% compared to the previous month in the value of basic materials.

Kuwait spent 160 million dinars in support of materials provided to citizens, whether food or construction materials, in the first four months of this year. In addition, the value of food support is estimated at 13 million dinars per month, as the basic materials in the supply occupy the highest percentage of the materials spent and exceeds 30% per month.

Moreover, the eligible beneficiaries of subsidized goods are as follows: Kuwaiti women married to non-Kuwaitis, with their husband, children and grandchildren; Gulf nationals residing in Kuwait (workers in government agencies); domestic workers attached to eligible families; Gulf nationals who are related by blood or affinity to any of the eligible groups; non-Kuwaitis registered with the Central Agency for Resolving Illegal Residents’ Status.

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