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Argentinian Embassy Celebrates National Day

Embassy of Argentina held a reception to celebrate the country’s National Day at the Salwa Al Sabah Hall last week. A large gathering of diplomatic corps and special invitees attended the event, which saw a tango performance by Argentinian artists.

The chief guest at the event, Acting Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Walid Al-Khubaizi praised the historical bond between Kuwait and Argentina, which he said is in its 53rd year since its establishment in 1969. He expressed Kuwait’s aspiration to strengthen the bilateral friendship, especially at the economic, investment and trade levels.

He also added that Argentina is a country with great potential in various fields, with its interest in Kuwait’s openness to explore new ideas of cooperation, while also pointing out Argentina’s membership in the G20 and its rising economy, which is considered as the second strongest in Latin America.

Al-Khubaizi praised bilateral cooperation in the field of development projects through the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, by noting that six loan agreements were signed between the fund and a number of local state governments in Argentina, with a value exceeding $320 million, the last of which was signed in May 2022 with the governments of Santa Fe and Cordoba. Expressing Kuwait’s aspiration to hold the first meeting of bilateral consultations with the Argentine Republic next December, he hoped that this meeting would produce fruitful and constructive results that benefit both the countries.

For her part, the Argentine Ambassador, H.E. Claudia Alejandra Zampieri in her speech on the occasion highlighted the terrible effect of the global pandemic on the volume of trade, with hopes to restore the exchange of trade between Argentina and Kuwait as soon as possible.

Argentina is equipped with captivating beaches and stunning tourist locations, which is why it is no surprise that Kuwaiti citizens choose to visit this distinctive tourist destination, as the visa procedures are not a hassle and take at the most two weeks to be processed, said the envoy.

The event concluded with a proposal to the Governor of the Argentine state of Santa Fe by Ambassador Al-Khubaizi for the installation of a monument that commemorates the friendly relations between Argentina and Kuwait, as well as the establishment of a green space near the port of Santa Fe bearing the name “Friendship Square between Santa Fe and Kuwait”, in appreciation of Kuwait for financing various development projects in Santa Fe State.

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