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Arab Foreign Ministers wind up 6th regular session in Kuwait

The 16th regular session of the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information concluded in Kuwait, with the adoption of recommendations, foremost among them being the Palestinian issue since these people continue to live under occupation.

Among the approved recommendations is the follow-up of the Arab media movement plan abroad and the role of the Arab media in confronting the phenomenon of terrorism and the acceleration of the implementation of the Arab Media Map for Sustainable Development 2030 program, in addition to the inclusion of media education in the school curricula for all stages, and the establishment of the Arab Institute for Peace Journalism, reports Al-Rai daily.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and Head of the Media and Communication Sector, Ambassador Ahmed Khattabi, said in a speech during the meeting that the Permanent Committee for Arab Media has worked during the past two days to study a group of issues, topped by the Palestinian issue as a permanent item on the agenda for more support for the Palestinian people against violations and practices of the illegal Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territories, especially in the city of Jerusalem.

Al-Khattabi explained that the committee followed the decisions of the last session of the Information Ministers Council, including the organization of the first media forum on (sustainable development) and the convening of working groups concerned with the dangers of electronic games in cooperation between the General Secretariat, the Ministry of Government Communication and the Arab Satellite Broadcasting Authority.

He added that the committee also intended to prepare recommendations presented to the Executive Office, hoping to develop approaches to give media cooperation tangible dimensions on legislative systems and professional experiences within the scope of guidance aimed at giving dynamism to joint action by activating guidance tools, including media action, the media map for sustainable development 2030, and the Arab media strategy to combat terrorism in light of the transformations of the digital revolution.

He stated that the General Secretariat announced the allocation of the seventh session of the Media Excellence Award 2023 to the field of environmental media under the slogan (Climate Change and the Future) in Kuwait.

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