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Approval of tax exemption exchange project to facilitate movement of Arab air carriers

The head of air transport agreements at the Directorate-General of Civil Aviation, Khaled Al-Enezi, indicated today that an draft agreement was signed to exempt from taxes and customs duties on the activities and equipment of the Arab air carriers to facilitate its movement.

Ina statement to the Kuwait News Agency at the conclusion of the 12th meeting of the committee of representatives of the financial and civil aviation authorities in the Arab countries, which is devoted to discussing the updated and additional amendments to the draft agreement, Al-Enezi said that during the meeting, the final draft of the agreement was reached and it will be submitted along with the final report on the committee’s work to the concerned authority and that the next meeting is scheduled to be held next October to consider its approval “if there are no comments to the General Secretariat within a month from the date of the committee’s meeting.”

A member of the Kuwaiti participating delegation stated that during the meeting a number of articles of the draft agreement were voted on, especially after studying the observations received prior to the meeting from some countries, such as Tunisia, Lebanon and Egypt.

Al-Enezi explained that the draft agreement “regulates the exchange of tax exemptions, facilitates the work of the air carriers from an economic point of view, and avoids double taxation between Arab countries, which facilitates economically and financially for the air carriers and contributes to its development.”

He indicated that imposing fees and taxes on the air carrier would “heavily burden the carrier”, and pointed to Kuwait’s keenness to finalize the approval of the draft agreement saying the proposals and observations it presented were aimed at reaching an integrated formula.

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