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Apple, Google and Mozilla alliance to speed up Internet browser

Apple, Google and Mozilla have teamed up to build the third and new version of its speedometer, the Speedometer, which aims to provide a more accurate assessment of the speed of the Internet browser.

It is noteworthy that the three companies manufacture the most popular browsers in terms of use around the world, as Apple produces the Safari browser, Chrome developed by Google, and Firefox from Mozilla, reports a local Arabic daily.

“Working with Apple and Google gives us an opportunity to build the best version to help make the Internet faster for years to come,” Mozilla said in a statement.

While “Google” explained that the team aims to “build a collaborative understanding of performance on the web to help drive browser performance in ways that help users.”

As for the “Web Kit” team from the “Apple” company, the alliance “will help improve the standard and improve the performance of the browser for users.”

The Speedometer 3 project is still in its early stages, and is still under active and unstable development, but its current version, Speedometer 2.1, is available.

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