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Ambassador marks the occasion of Canada Day

Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah (center) and Canadian Ambassador to Kuwait Louis-Pierre Emond (left) participate in last year’s Canada Day celebration.

Canadian Ambassador H.E. Louis-Pierre Emond released an address to the Canadian community that celebrated the special holiday of Canada Day.

Below is the text of his speech:

“Canada Day is the national Day of Canada and is celebrated every year on July 1. It celebrates the anniversary of the effective date of the Constitution Act of 1867, which united the three separate colonies of the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Across the country and around the world, Canadians gather to celebrate our country’s birthday.

This year the celebration will be different as we all celebrate a “stay at home” birthday. The Covid-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on health systems, economies and our lives and we all need to work together to respond effectively to the pandemic. I am proud that Canada is working with international partners to prevent, detect and respond to Covid-19 and to support those affected around the world. We have moved quickly to make significant investments in vaccine research and development and are actively working with partners to help ensure the continued flow of essential goods and supplies. Canada stands ready to work with Kuwait as we move toward a long-term recovery from the pandemic.

The relationship between Kuwait and Canada continued to grow over the last year in all areas of common interest. The people-to-people links between Canadians and Kuwaitis continue to be at the core of the relationship we are building with our friends from Kuwait.

This is best illustrated by the large and always increasing number of Kuwaiti students going to Canada every year. Close to 500 Kuwaitis study in Canada, most of them medical students who will build friendships and relationships with Canadians that will last a lifetime and will spark various commercial, research and scientific exchanges.

Key Kuwaiti projects in Canada continued to develop positively. Projects like KUFPEC’s Kaybob-Duvernay shale gas development, PIC’s partnership with Pembina to build a propane dehydrogenation plant and polypropylene upgrading facility, and EQUATE’s operations in Fort Saskatchewan. The Kuwait Investment Authority also has interests in Canada.

Our commercial links are growing, and we hope to see continued expansion in areas such as oil and gas, life sciences, defence and security, agriculture and food, and infrastructure.

Kuwait is an important partner of Canada, a fact proven by the numerous high-level visits of the past months. Since my arrival in Kuwait in 2018 we received visits from the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Governor-General Julie Payette, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence, and a Special Envoy of the Prime Minister.

Over the last months we were proud to continue to promote women empowerment in Canada and abroad. Here in Kuwait we have organized various events focused on women empowerment in trade, sports and politics.

Various virtual celebrations will take place on social media over the next days so please feel free to watch and participate online.

As we all get through this pandemic together, Canada and Canadians in Kuwait are pleased to celebrate once again Canada Day with all of our friends from around the world.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his government and people for their continuous support of Canada and the Canadian community in Kuwait.”




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