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Ambassador Dhari Al-Ajran accorded grand farewell

A grand farewell reception was held by the Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of Tajikistan H.E. Dr. Zubaydullo Zubaydov, on the occasion of the end of tenure of Kuwait’s Assistant Foreign Minister for Protocol Affairs, Ambassador Dhari Al-Ajran.

On behalf of the entire diplomatic fraternity Ambassador Zubaydov extended his thanks, gratitude and appreciation to Ambassador Dhari Al-Ajran for his generous support and constructive cooperation with the diplomatic community to help fulfill their duties and activities during their tenures in Kuwait.

Ambassador Zubaydov wished Ambassador Al-Ajran success, and beseeched God Almighty to grant him health, happiness and prosperity. A poem recited on the occasion in honor of Ambassador Al-Ajran, expressed the thanks and appreciation of the diplomatic community to the outgoing Chief of Protocol.

In his emotional address to the gathering, Ambassador Al-Ajran thanked the entire diplomatic fraternity for the continued support and warmth towards him and to Kuwait. He especially expressed his thanks to the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador Zubaydov, and to all heads of diplomatic missions in Kuwait for the honor granted to him through the occasion. He added that he had always strived to maintain his relations with ambassadors and to provide them with all facilities in the ministry of foreign affairs and abroad.

Pointing to several interesting facets of his long and successful tenure as head of protocol at Kuwait’s foreign ministry, Ambassador Al-Ajran disclosed that he had the honor to work with seven foreign ministers of Kuwait over the past 14 years. He indicated that the most challenging phase was during the tenure of the former Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid, while he was the foreign minister, during which period Kuwait hosted several high-profile international summits and conferences.

He went on to state that there are around140 diplomatic missions in Kuwait, and that the Protocol Department is directly responsible for these missions 24 hours a day. He added that this obligation strengthened the cordial relationship between the diplomatic community and the protocol management team at Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry. Elaborating on this topic, Ambassador Ajran added, “At the end of my tenure,I informed the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah that he has at his disposal a well-trained and experienced team of protocol staff, ready and willing to uphold and provide the highest standards of international protocol to the diplomatic missions in Kuwait, as well as to visiting state guests.”

Pointing out that a successful leader is one who leaves his post but continues to work through the influence his leadership role has created among team members over the years, he indicated that Kuwait’s protocol management team is fully capable and competent to complete any protocol duties entrusted to them with efficiency and in full professionalism.
Recalling that more than 20 international and regional conferences were hosted by Kuwait during his tenure in the ceremonies department, he asserted: “These events were managed with utmost success and transparency by the protocol management team through coordination and cooperation with the diplomatic missions in Kuwait.” He went on to add, “Although I have left the foreign ministry, my spirit continues to linger in the corridors of the ministry.”

Noting that there are many talented personnel among the youth working at the foreign ministry, he urged them to persevere and commit themselves to their duties so as to develop their professional acumen. He also highlighted the role played by Kuwait’s Diplomatic Institute, which has since its inception qualified and successfully graduated many young nationals in the diplomatic field. The institute continues to provide the Ministry of Foreign affairs with an effective supervision and training tool for the country’s diplomatic personnel, so as to enable them to adapt and perform in an ever changing international climate.

On a personal note, Ambassador Al-Ajran said that his busy schedule at the Protocol Department did not affect his relations with his children, as he always tried to find a work-life balance that allowed him to keep his work away from his private life at home. Earlier in the evening, Ambassador Zubaydov extolled the professionalism and commitment to work and to his country of Ambassador Al-Ajran, by stating: “I am honored and pleased to welcome all of you to this ceremony, which we are holding in honor of Assistant Foreign Minister for Protocol Affairs, Ambassador Dhari Al-Ajran, on the occasion of the end of his tenure at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait.

“On this occasion, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate my brother, Ambassador Al-Ajran, on his honorable career, his noble approach and stances during his work in the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and on his good efforts and achievements, which are recognized for their distinction.”

He went on to add that all the ambassadors, whether in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or colleagues in the diplomatic missions accredited to the State of Kuwait, will testify to Ambassador Al-Ajran’s deep love for his country and his devotion to His Highness the Amir, His Highness the Crown Prince, and to the people of Kuwait.”

Concluding his speech, Ambassador Zubaydov said,“Ambassador Al-Ajran performed his work and exercised his duties with all professionalism and sincerity in order to serve the State of Kuwait, and to strengthen relations with all other friendly and brotherly countries. We, as ambassadors of our country to the State of Kuwait, have always felt and been touched by the support and assistance of Ambassador Al-Ajran, as he was keen to provide all that was required for diplomatic missions to carry out their work, tasks and various activities in the best and most complete manner.”


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