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Al-Zour to begin operations in December 2022

The oil sector is preparing to begin operating the Al-Zour refinery by December 2022. The Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC) is preparing for this historic event from now, as the Al-Zour refinery is considered one of the largest in the world, with a daily refining capacity of 615,000 barrels.

A local Arabic daily has learned the refinery consists of 3 mini refineries that are being built at simultaneously. Each mini refinery contains an atmospheric distillation unit, a residual oil desulfurization unit, and a diesel, naphtha and kerosene hydro-treating unit, making it the world’s largest complex of desulfurization units.

The Al-Zour Refinery provides the country’s power stations with about 225,000 barrels of environmental fuel oil per day and the production of 340,000 barrels per day of high-quality petroleum products.

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