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Al-Shall surprised of discrepancy in the official population census figures

During the first week of August 2022, Central Bureau Statistics (CBS) issued a report on its estimates of the population statistics as of the end December 2021. The report states that the total population in Kuwait reached 4,216,900 dropping by 119,112 people from 4,336,012 people at the end of 2020.

The decline was the result of a decrease by about 148,000 in expatriates and an increase of about 29,000 in the number of Kuwaitis. However, until this moment, the Public Authority for Civil Information has not issued demographics statistics as of the end of 2021. Its population figures in the end of June 2021 reached 4,627,674 people, a difference by 411 thousand people from the CBS figure at the end of 2021, which is an essential difference.

The Al-Shall weekly report was surprised at the difference in the official census figures for the population of Kuwait between the Central Administration of Statistics and PACI.

The report stressed the importance of unifying statistical data and its numbers as a key measure for planning and studies, noting that “if the differences in the very primary statistics are wrong, it is certain that the more complex statistics on which it is based, such as economic growth, inflation, employment and unemployment, are also wrong.”

What is required is the avoidance of these differences and the issuance of accurate and unified information. Either the two institutions meet for coordination to review the differences and their justifications before they are issued, or a single institution is assigned to issue that information. Until this is achieved, all studies and policies adopted by the state will be doubtful in achieving their goals. Accuracy and updated figures are the fuel of development.

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