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Al-Mutla’a Residential City project gets power supply today

The Deputy Director General for Implementation Affairs at the Public Authority for Housing Welfare, Eng. Rashid Al-Enezi, announced that the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy will, deliver today power supply to the main substation 4D in suburb N11 located within the Al-Mutla’a Residential City project.

Al-Enezi said that the delivery of electric current to the aforementioned station will contribute to feeding 19 sub-stations covering 765 residential plots in suburb N11, in addition to a local mosque, an imam’s residence, and shops, reports Al-Jarida daily.

Al-Enezi stated that 127 vouchers in plot 2 of suburb N11 (from plot No. 107 to plot No. 233), and 638 vouchers in plot 3 of suburb N11 (from plot No. 1 to 295 and from Plot No. 344 to 355, Plot No. 377 to 395, Plot No. 403 to 674 and Plot No. 701 to 740) will benefit from the power connection at this stage.

He stated that the PAHW will, starting next April, successively identify other residential plots covered by the power connection after completion and coordination with the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy.

He pointed out that work for these plots was completed 9 months before the end of the contractual date, as they were scheduled to be completed according to the schedule at the end of December 2023.

He stressed that the PAHW contractors had confirmed all the work required of them to operate the targeted station, and praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy to deliver electricity to the main power stations.

He added that the door to receive applications for issuing power supply certificates will be opened for citizens benefiting from these plots through the government’s Sahel platform, starting next Thursday, so that they can complete the procedures for visiting the Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy to get power supply connection to their residential plots

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