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Al-Khaled deputizes Al-Shanfa to look into problems of sit-in employees

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled has asked the General Administrative Affairs Department at the Ministry of Interior to immediately solve the problem of the International Airport Administration staff who organized a sit-in in protest against changing their work system.

Al-Khaled deputed the Director-General of the General Administration of Administrative Affairs at the Ministry of Interior, Major General Khaled Al-Shanfa, to visit the airport building to meet the employees and inform them of the minister’s keenness to solve the problem immediately, reports a local Arabic daily.

Al-Shanfa conveyed the greetings of the minister to the airport management staff and praised their great efforts and contributions with their military brothers in maintaining security at this vital facility, which is Kuwait’s first frontier.

In turn, the port administration staff praised Al-Khaled’s quick response to their legitimate demands.

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