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Kuwait Airport traffic will not be affected by “5G”

With the launch of the ‘Fifth Generation’ (5G) communications networks in the United States by American companies, the American aviation sector became panicky with reports of possible interference of these networks with vital aircraft devices, which may confuse pilots as they approach the runway for landing during poor visibility conditions and may have to have catastrophic results.

However, Director of the Civil Aviation Department, Yousef Al-Fawzan, told Al-Jarida the movement at the Kuwait Airport is normal while some countries have raised a hue and cry regarding the “5G” network. He stressed the approved flight schedules are proceeding according like all other countries of the world.

The “Civil Aviation” said in a statement that it “follows developments in this regard to take necessary measures to preserve the safety of air traffic in Kuwait’s airspace,” while informed sources confirmed that the local 5G networks have no effect on air navigation after they were tested in earlier stages. Note that the frequencies of the local network are medium, in contrast to the high frequencies of the American network, which makes the effect limited to flights to the United States.

The heads of the 10 largest American airlines had warned of catastrophic disruptions in the transportation and shipping sectors following the operation of the 5G networks yesterday, without setting controls for transmitting stations located near US airports, pointing out that the operation of these networks would cause “huge sabotage” to flights.

These heads of these airlines have demanded that the 5G networks be removed “about three kilometers away from the airports runways according to controls issued by the Federal Aviation Authority before the launch of the service yesterday. “We need to transport farther, to ensure the safety of passengers, and to avoid sabotaging flights,” before confirming that “aircraft manufacturers have informed us that a large part of the airline fleet that is currently operating, may become out of service,” they said.

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