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Administrative Department’ cancels PAM decision

The First Administrative Department of the High Court has issued a ruling to cancel Resolution No. 27 of 2021 issued by the Director-General of the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) to issue a list of rules and procedures for granting work permits with the ensuing effects.

This ruling came after a member of the Kuwaiti Entrepreneurs Association, Abdullah Al-Ajmi, in his capacity as an employer, filed a lawsuit demanding the cancellation of the aforementioned decision, indicating that it directly affected him.

Al-Ajmi pointed out that the decision caused the change in his legal status from an employer to a worker, and the procedures for registering national workers to support labor were merged with a special decision on the work permit for expatriate workers.

Al-Ajmi demanded the cancellation of the work permit for employers registered under Chapter Five and private sector workers who are citizens registered under Chapter Three, which was fictitiously called “National Labor Registration Notice.”

It is noteworthy that Article 37 of the aforementioned law prohibits the issuance of work permits to those who have reached the age of sixty years for those who hold a high school certificate or less.

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