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Activists, intellectuals unhappy about NPC intervention in personal freedoms, sports

In interaction with attempts to prevent sports marathons and restrict them by the parliamentary Negative Phenomena Committee (NPC) and the government’s acquiescence to extremist currents, activists, intellectuals and representatives of public benefit associations “expressed their refusal to suppress freedoms and the repeated interference in societal, cultural and sports activities”, stressing that Kuwait does not deserve this narrow view, as it was a Beacon in thought, culture, art and sports, and it must return to what it was.

Activists and intellectuals renewed their warning against repeated attempts to impose guardianship over values and morals, stressing that the government’s acquiescence to these extremist currents is a dangerous indicator, pointing out that these interventions have expanded and will extend to personal life, reports a local Arabic daily.

They pointed out that the constitution guarantees freedoms, and that part of it is the practice of sports and artistic activities, expressing their regret over the interest of the nation’s representatives in minor issues rather than major issues and problems. Some deputies left the housing problem, corruption, encroachments on public money, the future of generations and other issues, and devoted themselves to talking about concerts and sports activities. And others, and not long ago, the people of extremist thought confronted the “paddle” competitions and prevented the sport of yoga, and their uprising to prevent singing concerts, as if Kuwait was a remote country and not a country open to the whole world.

Activists, intellectuals, and writers considered that the intervention of the Negative Phenomena Committee in marathons is surprising, as they are sports and health activities organized by banks and other parties and obtain the necessary approvals and licenses, and therefore they are held legally, and many Kuwaiti families are keen to participate in these marathons, as they are beneficial It is healthy and recommended by doctors, as it is considered a good social and recreational activity.

They touched on a clear contradiction, as the Ministry of the Interior that fights drugs and contraband that affect people’s health is the same that fights sports activities, even if it did not intend to prevent them explicitly, as it resorted to that indirectly by restricting them, pointing out that any sporting activity may be accompanied by it. Other recreational activities and playing music to encourage sports, so what is wrong with that?

They stress that this objection to freedoms and talk about mixing in a marathon that is held in full view of all state agencies is considered a kind of controversy that has become an old fashion, at a time when the brotherly Gulf countries have reached levels of challenge regarding the future and have become a pressure force on Kuwait.

They pointed out that this new stage requires correcting the course, not only politically, but also in terms of enhancing freedoms, as an attempt to restrict and prevent the remnants of a pre-modern way of thinking.

Representative Alia Al-Khaled said: “I thank the Ministry of Interior, the Minister of Interior, and the Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic for their quick response to resolving the issue of the National Bank of Kuwait Marathon and their coordination with those concerned with the bank, so that the marathon will be on Saturday, December 10, in Gulf Street.”

Here is the fact-file of the committee according to what people believe – they feel the nation’s representatives get bogged in trifle issues instead of the core problems; the “negative phenomena” interfere with the competence of the concerned authorities without logical justifications; marathon organizers stress that sporting activities do not witness any straying away from values’ thousands of citizens and residents participate in it under the supervision of the concerned authorities; freedoms must be strengthened; marathons are held after obtaining the required licenses.

The head of the Women’s Cultural Association, Lulwa Al-Mulla, said Kuwait is a civil state, and civil society rejects the guardianship of freedoms, and clings to the constitution in the face of some forces, which are trying to demolish the remaining civil and democratic constitutional foundations of the state, and establish alternative rules for a strict religious state.

Journalist Ahmed Al-Sarraf said that the Negative Phenomena Committee tacitly enjoys government support and approval in one way or another, and therefore it represents a trend within the state, whether government or parliamentary.

The writer Suad Al-Mojel summarized the problem of restricting freedoms in the government alliance with extremist currents, warning of the disastrous consequences of restricting freedoms, noting that everyone has the right to express his opinion, and in the end we must resort to the articles of the constitution that support freedoms, and to the laws that defend them.

Professor of Philosophy at Kuwait University, Dr. Sheikha Al-Jassem, considered that participation in marathons is optional and falls within the personal freedoms protected by the constitution.

Al-Jassem stressed the danger of yielding to extremists. If they are allowed to prevent the marathon under the pretext of mixing or clothing, then their authoritarian desire will extend to workplaces, shopping malls and hospitals.

The head of the Alumni Association, Ibrahim Al-Mulaifi, was surprised by the targeting of freedoms, saying: The Ministry of Interior, which fights drugs and contraband that affect people’s health, is the same that fights sports activities, even if it did not intend to prevent them explicitly, as it resorted to that indirectly through restrictions. on her.

For their part, some of the marathon organizers continued to record their objection to the intervention of the Negative Phenomena Committee in the marathons, pointing out that it is devoid of any immoral behavior, as families participate in it and all segments of society care about it as a kind of sport and entertainment, breaking the routine and promoting public health.

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