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About 70% of requirements for healthy cities are mainly environmental: Eng. Al-Kandari

The Ministry of Health and the Environment Public Authority have signed the strategic cooperation and partnership agreement for the healthy cities initiative in Kuwait. The pact was signed in the presence of the Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi and the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Dr. Mustafa Reda, Acting Director General of the Environment Public Authority, Eng. Samira Al-Kandari.

During the signing of the agreement the EPA said the cooperation with the Ministry of Health is old and extends for many years, and the agreement that is signed helps consolidate this cooperation in the field of accrediting healthy cities, which has reached 15 health cities in Kuwait so far, “which is a source of pride for us,” Eng Al-Kandari told Al-Anba daily.

She explained that about 70% of the requirements of healthy cities are mainly environmental requirements, and through them the environmental protection law is applied, pointing out that there is direct coordination with the Healthy Cities Office in the Ministry of Health, as well as the nomination of some of those cities to announce the Arab Healthy City by League of Arab States.

She expressed hope that Kuwait will win the healthy city title, especially after it was approved as a healthy city by the World Health Organization, appreciating this fruitful cooperation to activate the environmental protection law, which includes a set of policies and measures aimed at protecting natural resources and environmental systems and procedures that ensure the prevention of pollution or mitigating or combating it, preserving the environment, its natural resources and biodiversity, and making Kuwait entirely a healthy country.

The head of the Healthy Cities Office at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Amal Al-Yahya, stressed on the importance of the agreement in building the movement of healthy cities in Kuwait and building partnerships with the Environment Public Authority, which represents an important sector and original strategic partnership in the healthy cities initiative, pointing out that 12 of the 80 healthy cities standards have a relationship with the Environment Public Authority. This is in addition to its indirect impact on other standards.

She said that cooperation with the Environment Public Authority began years ago and resulted in the rehabilitation of some areas, especially in the environmental aspect, as a healthy city area is not approved without studying air quality, and this is done through observatories and mobile environment vehicles.

Likewise, on the issue of the water quality, she pointed out that the suburb of Abdullah Al-Salem, for example, had a project to check the quality of Al-Sabil water, and they conducted a survey of all water coolers in the area, repaired them, and conducted periodic maintenance for them, as well as raising awareness for homes that wish to provide this service to ensure the provision of safe healthy water and all.

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