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ABCK host Workshop on How to do Business with the US Military

ABCK – AmCham Kuwait hosted a 2-session virtual workshop on ‘How to do Business with the US Military’ with speakers from the US Army’s Regional Contracting Center- Kuwait (RCC-KU), The Theater Contracting Center- Southwest Asia (TCC-SWA), and the US Air Force’s 386 TH ECONS. The event was held in partnership with several American Chambers of Commerce (AmChams) in the GCC: Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

The event started with the opening remarks by AmCham Kuwait’s Chairman – Pete Swift, who welcomed the AmChams in the region and thanked participants for taking the time to learn more about doing business with the US Federal Government. The opening remarks were followed by the US Army’s presenters – Major Eric Forcey, Contracting Officer at the Regional Contracting Center – Kuwait (RCC-KU), and 1st Lieutenant Peter Hunerkoch from the Kuwait Pay Office.

The first session of the workshop targeted current vendors, covering topics such as: What are the PIEE and WAWF? How to gain access: Pre-registration and GeneralSteps, PIEE Self- registration, Invoicing: Kuwait Pay Office, Invoice Types, Contracting Relationship, Invoice Workflow and Timelines, WAWF invoice Workflow and Timelines, Invoice Instructions and Elements of a Contract Line-Item Number (CLIN), and Common Invoice Errors and WAWF invoicing Instructions.

Major Forcey spoke about the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) as the US Government’s “one-stop-shop” for procurement capabilities. PIEE is a suite of business information systems for the company’s US Federal sales, and it is home to the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) and Electronic Data Access (EDA), MyInvoice, and other capabilities. RCC-KU also spoke about WAWF which is a module within the broader PIEE, as WAWF is a secure Web-based system for electronic invoicing, receipt, and acceptance. RCC-KU also added that WAWF is the official system through which contractors must submit shipping/receiving reports and invoices.

Subsequently, the presenters provided an in-depth explanation about PIEE Self-registration and how vendors can gain access to the mentioned. To conclude the detailed guidance, the presenters spoke about common WAWF invoice document types, status, descriptions, and reasons why invoices get rejected.

Following the discussion, the Kuwait Pay Office’s representative 1st LT Hunerkoch spoke about the role of the Kuwait Pay office, whose role targets the review, certification, and payment of contractual invoices on behalf of the United States Government. This presentation was followed by a virtual live demonstration on how to go about invoicing through WAWF.

To finalize the 1st Session, Lieutenant Colonel La’Tasha Watson, Battalion commander of the TCC-SWA spoke about their role in the region, and procurement and contracting support opportunities available throughout the region. The TCC-SWA provides contracting support to all GCC countries except for Kuwait, Iraq, and Syria.

Moving on to the Second Session, the US Air Force’s presenters – Captain Andrew Ingerson, Deputy Commander and Master Sergeant (MSgt) Seth Swieter, Flight Chief, Government Purchase Card section, from the 386th ECONS provided an in-depth presentation on how to register as a vendor in SAM. Presenters spoke about the purpose of this training and highlighted that it is mandatory for vendors to have an active SAM registration if vendors are interested in being eligible for contract awards above the micro-purchase threshold, which is $35,000 USD. The presentations concluded with a question and answers session.

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