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A great joy to reconnect again this Ramadan

H.E. Stefan Mobs
Ambassador of Germany

How do you spend the month of Ramadan in Kuwait?

I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet distinguished personalities and ordinary people alike when visiting diwaniyas these days. A great joy to reconnect again!

What do you like the most about this holy month?

We of Christian faith do the same before Easter: It is supposed to be a month of cleansing and spiritual elevation following the suppression of the usual daily procedures.

Can you tell us how Muslims spend Ramadan in your country?

There is no difference in observing Ramadan in Germany compared to Kuwait. In Germany there is freedom of religion and exercise of such is guaranteed by the Constitution. So, some Germans will fast, others will not. And German nationals of Muslim faith here at the Embassy are fasting, too.

Do you do exercises these days?

Yes (laughing)! As we have to assemble our belongings and pack everything in containers right now (because the shipping to Germany takes two months or more) I have enough exercise to compensate for sitting in a multitude of diwaniyas.

Source: Al Rai

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