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A cup of coffee to regulate appetite and burn fat

A recent study shows that consuming coffee can be a healthy addition to the diet if a person is looking to lose a few kilos, thanks to its ability to regulate appetite and jump-start the metabolism.

Al-Arabiya quoted the “Mind your Body Green” website as saying that not only does having a cup of coffee in the morning get a quick boost of caffeine, but it can also promote weight loss, reports Al-Rai daily.

According to nutritionist Kelly Jones, coffee can act as an appetite suppressant for some, as studies show that drinking coffee up to four hours before a meal can reduce the amount of food that is devoured.

In turn, Whitney Crouch, an integrated nutritionist, said that coffee also stimulates part of the autonomic nervous system, which has been shown to reduce hunger and increase satiety.

Some research has found that coffee’s weight-loss-promoting properties could stem from its effects on energy balance. More specifically, coffee is believed to increase the amount of calories the body burns each day.

“Study results indicate that caffeine consumption can increase calorie burning by about 80-150 calories,” Crouch explains.

Research shows that people with a lower percentage of body fat experience greater hurdles in burning calories compared to those with higher amounts of body fat.

Results of laboratory studies revealed that chlorogenic acid, a compound found in coffee beans, enhances fat metabolism.

It is likely that chlorogenic acid regulates some of the enzymes and pathways involved in fat accumulation, thus reducing body fat.

And other research shows that drinking a cup of coffee before hitting the gym can also be beneficial, thanks to its caffeine content.

According to a review published in the journal Nutrients, consuming a moderate dose of caffeine prior to aerobic exercise significantly increased fat burning during exercise.

Another study showed that caffeine boosted maximal fat oxidation during exercise by up to 29 percent.

As for the right amount of coffee, it’s best to stick to one or two cups of coffee to maximize the potential health benefits without overdoing it on caffeine.

Jones says that “for performance benefits, 2-6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight is recommended, meaning that if a person weighs 70 kg, this translates to about 204-408 mg of caffeine, or about two to five cups.” Per day”.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is about four to five cups.

Too much caffeine can cause a slew of negative side effects, including anxiety, jitters, digestive issues, and insomnia.

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