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A $1.1 billion program on providing the population with housing has been announced

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on providing the population with housing was signed. This year, for the first time, the number of families provided with housing will reach 45,000. From 2021, a new system will be introduced. According to this system: The cost of a square meter of housing in rural areas will not exceed 4 million soums, and in cities – 5 million soums.

A system of preferential rental housing will be introduced for homeless families in difficult living conditions. On the basis of state subsidies, houses are purchased by the authorities in each district and provided to families in need in the form of “social rent” for up to 5 years. In order to provide social housing for families in need, 8,336 houses will be built in rural areas and 3,550 in cities. Mortgage terms will be simplified: – Mortgage loan will be allocated for 20 years with a grace period of 6 months, in cities the down payment will be reduced from 20% to 15%; – 10 percent (two-thirds) of the 15% down payment is paid as a subsidy to low-income families in need of improved housing (This means that it is enough to pay 5% of the down payment to buy a house); – Subsidies will continue to be provided for the first five years starting from 12% of the loan interest in Tashkent and starting from 10% in other regions.

Due to these benefits, the amount of down payment for the population will be reduced by 2 times. In order to do this, these houses will be registered, information about their completion will be provided to the population through the media, and the list of buyers will be formed in a transparent manner.

In addition, by the end of the year, commercial banks will provide loans for 17,350 apartments in cities and 9,260 in rural areas. Government funding will be expanded: A total of 1 trillion soums will be allocated from the budget for 23.5 thousand families in need of subsidies. The process of selection and payment of subsidized citizens on the basis of social criteria will be automated; By ensuring the transparency of the subsidy allocation system and eliminating bureaucracy, the application processing time will be reduced from 20 to 7 days;

For the first time, mortgage loans will be allocated for the construction of individual houses: Loans of up to 20 years (with an average of 240 million soums) with a grace period of one year are allocated for the construction and reconstruction of individual houses, a portion of the interest is paid as a subsidy for the needy population; 1.5 trillion soums will be allocated on credit for 6.5 thousand apartments in densely populated and high-demand districts of each region; The Ministry of Finance will allocate 670 billion soums to banks to provide loans to the population on market terms.

State support for housing construction will be expanded: Land for housing in regional centers and the capital will be allocated by auction, and in the villages, it will be allocated on the basis of a decision of the local council. Model designs of individual houses in accordance with urban planning norms will be developed and posted on the website of the Ministry of Construction by 1st May; measures will be taken to reduce the cost of apartments built by the private sector and increase their attractiveness to the population, to allocate land to private entrepreneurs, to create infrastructure, and to reduce the cost of interest on loans for working capital; multi-apartment houses will be built only in the form of large urban settlements (massifs), with at least 5-storey buildings in villages and 9-storey buildings in cities; construction of external communications to the massifs will be carried out in the villages from the republican budget, and in cities from the local budget; Land for housing will be allocated from areas close to district and city centers, close to production facilities.

In this case, the places will be selected from the area with the most favorable electricity, gas, water, road infrastructure. Projects for the next year will be developed for the organization of large massifs in the regions, the construction of kindergartens, schools, clinics, and industrial facilities on their territory. A mortgage market web portal will be launched, which will provide information about the number, area, value and location of apartments, houses to be mortgaged, and the entrepreneurs who are building them. Only qualified specialists will be involved in the construction of houses on the basis of a rating system of financially stable contractors with sufficient material and technical base. There are 15.5 thousand such enterprises, which is 40% of the total number of construction companies.

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