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90% of judiciary expected to be Kuwaitis in 2025

Head of the Supreme Judicial Council, President of the Court of Cassation and Head of the Constitutional Court Counselor Yousef Al-Mutawa said that nearly 90 percent of the Judicial Council will be Kuwaiti within the next five years if things go according to plan.

Al-Mutawa said in an interview with Al-Anbaa newspaper on Wednesday that the number of judiciary and public prosecution is 1,111 by the end of the judicial year 2018/2019, including 730 Kuwaitis and 381 non-Kuwaitis, or by 66 percent. He added that the percentage of Kuwaitis in the leading grades of the courts, the attorney generals, lawyers and general prosecutors of categories (c) and (b) reaches 100 percent, and the percentage of Kuwaiti judges in the rank of undersecretary of the court is over 96.5 percent.

He reaffirmed the independence of the Kuwaiti judiciary by virtue of the Constitution, as the law regulating the judiciary regulated the limits of that independence and the inability of the judiciary members to be removed except by the judiciary itself. He said that despite the cooperation exerted by the officials of the Ministry of Justice to achieve all the demands of the judiciary and to overcome any administrative obstacles, giving the Minister of Justice as a first stage the powers over the Civil Service Commission on the judiciary and its auxiliary bodies is an urgent and necessary requirement for the development of work.

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