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8000 expatriates deported in the year 2021

The deportation prison has deported 8,000 expatriates of different nationalities to their countries from the beginning of this year 2021 until the end of last June, for their involvement in misdemeanors and felonies, Al Qabas daily reported.

Despite the closure of the airports of some countries due to the pandemic that swept the whole world, the deportation prison administration was able to find unconventional solutions in the process of deporting the deportees to their countries, whether by direct flight or by transit through other countries. The Philippines provided private planes for their nationals to deport back to their home country.

The sources told the daily that the General Administration of Residency Affairs is at the forefront of the security departments that referred violators to deportation; Because of expiry of residency or violating the labor law, and other reasons, noting that the public security sector came in second place in terms of transferring expatriates to deportation.

The sources pointed out that the reasons for deportation are many and varied, including involvement in misdemeanors and felonies, including administrative deportation for the public interest, and other reasons.

The sources concluded by noting that about 700 deportees are currently languishing in deportation prison awaiting deportation to their countries, but among them are some members of communities whose airports are closed, such as Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

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