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7 simple ways to protect yourself from coronavirus

The human coronavirus is found in common cold as well as serious infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome. Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. Seven coronaviruses can infect people and each one of them is deadly.

World Health Organization recommends people take simple precautions against the virus to reduce exposure and transmission:

  1. Frequently wash hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or warm water and soap.
  2. Cover your mouth and nose with a flexed elbow or tissue when sneezing or coughing
  3. Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough
  4. Seek early medical help if they have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, and share their travel history with healthcare providers
  5. Avoid direct, unprotected contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals when visiting live markets
  6. Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal products and exercise care when handling raw meat, milk or animal organs to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods
  7. Avoid travel to China, especially the Hubei province




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