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7 Council members hold Minister Al-Faris responsible for flooding; calls for her resignation

Minister of Public Works Dr. Rana Al-Fares

Seven members of the Municipal Council have called on the Minister of Municipality Dr. Rana Al-Faris, to “take responsibility” for the flooding of the streets and submit her resignation.

The members expressed their dissatisfaction with the catastrophic situation resulting from the flooding of the streets and said, “We demand Minister Dr. Rana Al-Faris to assume her political and moral responsibility by submitting her resignation from the government, due to the lack of readiness of the rain drainage infrastructure for the second time, as the failure of the Ministry of Public Works to maintain rain drainage facilities to be able to withstand a natural event such as rainfall, which led to the disruption of access to vital facilities in the state and by citizens and expatriates, in addition to the material damage inflicted on many areas of Kuwait, some of which turned into disaster areas, reports Al-Qabas daily.

The members added, “The Minister, Dr. Rana Al-Faris is fully responsible for this disaster, as she was directly responsible for the Ministry of Public Works for a long time.

The members asked the Minister of Public Works in the new government, Ali Al-Mousa, to form an investigation committee regarding the flooding of the streets.

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