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69 thousand cases of ‘stroke’ in 5 years: Dr Al-Awadhi

Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadhi, reported that from 2017 to 2021, a total of 68,964 cases of strokes were recorded, encompassing both fatal and non-fatal incidents. Specifically, there were approximately 10,869 cases in 2020 and 12,475 cases in 2021.

Responding to a query by MP Muhalhal Al-Mudhaf, a copy of which is obtained by the Al-Jarida daily, regarding potential correlations between the Corona vaccine and increased risks of blood clots or strokes, Al-Awadhi clarified that based on analysis by international reference organizations and global data, post-vaccine clots are considered a rare occurrence.

Recent scientific studies indicate that the incidence of blood clotting cases following vaccination is lower compared to the number of individuals experiencing clotting after contracting the virus.

He added that numerous factors can contribute to clotting, including obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, medical and familial history, among others.

Dr. Al-Awadhi highlighted that the total count of individuals who received the vaccine from the initial dose on December 24, 2020, to December 31, 2021, stood at 2,782,091, and emphasized that the vaccine administration has continued beyond that date.

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