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6 parliamentary committees discuss various fields including Caracal and Eurofighter

Six parliamentary committees discussed a number of files, including contracts for Caracal helicopters, Eurofighter aircraft, cheating in tests and others.

The investigation committee into the Caracal and Eurofighter contracts continues to investigate, especially after the committee requested an expansion of the investigation, and the addition of other items that it will present to the council in Tuesday’s session, within the incoming messages item, reports a local Arabic daily.

The Ethics and Negative Phenomena Committee discusses cheating in exams, in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Education. In its meeting, the Sports Affairs Committee will discuss a draft law on sports and assign the committee to consider, research and follow up on specific issues related to cycling.

The Committee on Budgets is discussing the final account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the fiscal year 2021-2022, and discussing the observations of the Audit Bureau regarding the final account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contained in its annual report and review the implementation of the budget of government ministries and departments for the fiscal 2021-2022, and discuss the financial irregularities it reported.

The Bureau of Financial Controllers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contained in its final report, as a result of its prior control over the implementation of the budget of ministries and government departments and their final accounts for the fiscal year 2021-2022.

The Committee on Environment, Food and Water Security will discuss the food security file, at the meeting, which will be attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil Dr. Badr Al-Mulla, Minister of State for Municipal Affairs, and representatives of the Environment Public Authority, the Public Authority for Agriculture and Fish Resources, the Fishermen’s Union and the Fresh Dairy Producers Union.

The Foreign Affairs Committee is discussing a set of draft laws in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance.

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